Program Objectives:
- Establish partnerships with local businesses that will benefit from having Francis House members employed with them.
- Establish “go-to” core employers that understand the priorities and constraints of a customer committed to working their recovery program.
- Establish bi-directional communication support and follow-up on the member’s employment performance and progress.
- Recommend qualified candidates for select employment positions.
- Facilitate member and employer with sustained career development.
Program Benefits:
- Prepared, qualified, attentive, vetted and drug-free employee candidates.
- Coaching / Mentoring focused on the initial and sustained success of the candidate.
- Candidate pool that has outside support that will contribute to sustained employment and retention in the company.
Program Phases:
Phase 1: Readiness Education
- Prepare member for employment, basic employment values and attributes
- Prepare necessary documentation, (SSN, IDs, Work History, etc.)
- Interest profiling, skills assessment and career awareness
- Establish career plan with short, intermediate and long term goals
Phase 2: Job Networking and Employment Search
- Preparation guidance and assistance by peer support and job coaches
- Match member’s interests, skills and qualifications to opportunities
- Résumé building, submit applications, practice / mock interviews
Phase 3: Employment, Retention & Career Development
- Secure job position, job orientation and acclimation
- Coaching available to support goals with financial literacy and budgeting
- Document, weekly review and monitor career progress
- Improve skills, education, increase employee value
Employment Partner Support:
We humbly ask the Wadsworth Business Community to embrace and participate in the program. Consideration is given to the following:
- Assistance with hiring members who are ready for employment.
- Accommodating flexible work schedules that support recovery commitment priorities.
- Collaboratively work with coaches & mentors to provide periodic feedback on performance.
- Allow fair consideration for a qualified candidate to compete for career advancement.
Our Delivery Team Partners:
This program offering is made possible through teaming efforts with the following Recovery Services and Community Outreach organizations: The LCADA Way (Wadsworth) and OPEN M (Akron) We wish to extend our gratitude to these companies for providing their employment services.
Contact us if you are interested in becoming an employment partner.